Why Your Early Stage Business Needs a Brand Foundation

We know definitively that strong brands enjoy higher profit margins. They also get more repeat business, tend to attract the best employees, and are more resistant to competition. This is just as true for small enterprises as it is for large corporate behemoths.

Alignment of Your Brand Values to Client Needs

Many companies rely on clichés like “customer focus,” “integrity,” and “reliability” to define their values, but these phrases lack substance. Claiming to be “100% committed to customers” or offering “result-driven solutions” doesn’t set a brand apart or clarify its essence.

What You Should Expect from Your Branding Team

So what you might have expected from your brand, design and marketing teams a decade ago is very different from what’s needed to build a thriving brand today. Here’s what you should expect today, and why.

People First: Humanizing the Digital Experience

Living in a digital world has dramatically changed our personal and business experiences. We can keep up with social contacts, interact with chatbots and program our homes to turn lights on and off. Intriguing to be sure, but have we sacrificed our humanness for expediency?