The Art of Storytelling Infographics

We’re all visual creatures, and most of us will respond much quicker to a visual stimulus than one crafted purely from text. Why? A couple reasons. 90% of information sent to our brains is visual. Plus the fact that our brains process imagery 60,000 times the speed of text. Infographics have been the darlings of digital marketing for several years but we never get tired of them for their ability to communicate in a with greater impact.

Best practices
So, what’s so special about infographics and how can you effectively tell your brand story with them? We’ve identified some elements that take infographics from acceptable to attention grabbing.

Less is more.
Choose a simple topic and don’t stray from the path. Keep the narrative simple, and tell the story you want readers to know in a way that’s intriguing and engaging.

Too often, companies add irrelevant content into a simple infographic because they can’t resist telling their entire story. This is not the place to get carried away with copy. Data and design are the heroes here so let them do their work. Limit data to no more than ten relevant points so you don’t overwhelm the reader. A rule of thumb is to understand what people would find compelling about your company and share that. The idea is to intrigue people with relevant information that will enhance their lives for the better—and deliver it in a visually appealing way that gets your point across quickly. Be clear about your topic and guide your readers intuitively, calling out major points they need to know.

Speak in an authentic voice.
People will relate to your brand based on the emotional tug they get when reading your content. Make sure your authenticity comes through. Your brand story is the same whether you’re creating web copy or an infographic. Don’t let go of your brand tone just because you have less room for text. Use high res images or visuals created in your brand style. They’re a big part of your story and need to be consistent in everything you communicate.

Design for logic and style.
Information in an infographic should flow logically but also be easy to scan visually. Design elements like lists, bullets, headings and tables will help convey your meaning while providing appealing layout points. Eye-tracking studies indicate that readers of digital content pay close attention to images that provide information. Relevant images also draw more interest than accompanying text.

Visual content such as photos and illustrations must always complement your story while also remaining true to your brand style. Copy will always have its place in an infographic but visual elements shine in the infographic format as they attract and guide the reader.

Storytelling isn’t the same as promotion.
Telling your story with authenticity in content and style will always be more appealing than outright promotion. Your readers can sniff it out, too, and will abandon you on the spot. Storytelling infographics are just that—telling why you do what you do and the benefits that people can get from your efforts.

You may be the biggest and best at what you do but leave the chest beating for another time. Use the infographic to communicate some salient points about your business. An intuitive CTA is fine but please don’t add big sales messages. It is perfectly fine—and encouraged—to provide ways for readers to share your infographic socially.

When it comes to creating effective infographics, just be comfortable with the fact that they are a blend of art and science. Being able to share your business heroics in authentic brand tones may take some practice but definitely worth the reward.

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